Ferry Berisha Itinerary
Berisha Ferry is in function every day from 15 April to 5 November with the directly official line:
Koman-Fierze, and vice versa Fierze-Koman.
From Koman it starts at 9:00 in the morning and returns in the same day with departures from Fierza at 13:00.
Berisha ferry transports any means :
- minibus
- campers
- cars
- bicycles
- motorcycles, etc.,
- excluding super heavy categories.

Boat Dragobia Itinerary
Dragobia ship departs daily
from Fierza at 6:00 am and returns the same day with departures from Koman at 9:00
Starting her trip each day with several stops times and based on the requirements of residents and travelers, performs passengers and motorcycles transportations

Price list
This are the standart prices- Persons 8.8€ ( Cash price 10€ / 1000 Leke )
- Bicycles 10.6 € ( Cash price 12€ / 1200 Leke )
- Motorbikes 18.5 € ( Cash price 21€ / 2100 Leke)
- Cars 7 € / m2 ( Cash price 8€ / 800 leke/m2)
- Discounted when paid via PayPal or Credit Card
How to calculate the surface of a car?
If your car has a width of 1.5 m and length of 3.2 m, then the total surface of the car is :
1.5 x 3.2 = 4.8 m2
If you pay CASH : transport of this car with the ferry will cost 4.8m2 x 8 Euro/m2 = 38.4 Euro
If you pay Online : transport of this car with the ferry will cost 4.8m2 x 7 Euro/m2 = 33.6 Euro
*Online payments have an extra 5% for PayPal fee.
If you make the reservation and the payment online via PayPal or Credit Card you get a DISCOUNT for the price of persons and Cars and Tours.