Things to know about Komani Lake.
Before you start your travel in Koman Lake, or even Fierza Lake it is better you keep in mind some important things ( this are also available if you have planned to visit Theth or Valbona Valley).
Take enough clothes, you should know that during the night is cold here, also in the raining days.
All the Albanian citizens can pass the Kosova border with only the ID card, but for the other citizens it is necessary to have the passport with you.
Before entering to port, there is a Port tax to pay, there is a state authorized person who collect the tax for each car that enter to port.
Method of payments
- We accept only online payments ( Via PayPal or Credit Card ). Our reservation form is integrated with PayPal and you can make the payment directly from the website, for visitors who want to reserve a car space you should fill the reservation form and then we will send a PayPal invoice so you can pay.
- ( We also accept payments ONLY AFTER YOU BOARD ON THE FERRY BERISHA OR BOAT DRAGOBIA, this only for visitors who really cant pay via PayPal, but the reservation is not guaranteed this way. )
- Don’t be fool and don’t pay in the road, only in the board of ferry Berisha or Boat Dragobia.
- Be careful with the children’s! Don’t let them alone in the ferry, specially in the outside areas ( it will be good if you wear them the safety jackets ).
- It is not allowed to jump from the ferry in the water during the travel time! This can be dangerous for your life.
- Write and keep the emergency number : 112 – This is a free toll number for police, hospital and fireman’s.
Please keep clean 🙂
Please don’t throw anything in the lake, there are some trash cans in the ferry where you can throw your garbage’s.
Timetable and pick up options.
We start from Tirana at 05:00 to Koman. ( Pick Up Map Here – Note that a reservation is required )
We start from Shkodra at 06:30 to Koman. ( Pick Up Map Here – Note that a reservation is required )
We start from Valbona at 10:30Â Fierze. ( Pick Up Map Here – Note that a reservation is required )
Not what you looking for?
If you have any question that we didnt mentioned in this article, please writte us a message and we will be happy to answer.
Or sennd us an email:
Safety Jackets.
It is important when traveling with Ferry Berisha or Boat Dragobia, or even with small boats to wear the safety jackets. We have onboard more than 300 safety jackets.
This is obligatory for children’s.

First aid.
We have also the first aid box.