Linje trageti

Rezervimet kryhen në advance

Cdo dite Koman-Fierze dhe Fierze-Koman

Hapesire parkimi falas ne traget.

Ju mund te parkoni falas makinen tuaj ne Tragetin Berisha gjate nates.

Nese deshironi te rezervoni nje bilete trageti, zgjidhni itinerarin me poshte

pasi te plotesoni te dhenat tuaja, mund te shtoni te dhenat e makines ose te zgjidhni nje nga pickup qe ne ofrojme.

Linjë trageti Koman-Fierzë-Koman

Koman -Fierze at 09:00

Fierze – Koman at 13:00



per pagesat online


(cash 10€ / 1000Lek)


per pagesat online


(Cash 8€ / 800Lek / M²)

Tur 1 ditor

Per te gjithe vizitoret qe paguajne bileten online nga faqja jone ( pagesa permes PayPal ose karte krediti ). Nese deshironi te paguani CASH cmimi eshte 3500 Lek ose 35 Euro/person

Lost in Albanian Alps

A tour from Tirana, to Kruje and Shkoder, sailing through Komani Lake and Shala River, hiking from Valbone to Theth.

Ture në Liqenin e Komanit

One Day Tour in Komani Lake

Tur 1 ditor ne liqenin e Komanit

29€ All Inclusive

Gjate 25 viteve kemi studiuar kerkesat dhe prioritetet e klienteve tane dhe krijuam kete tur qe kushton me pak dhe shijon shume me teper sesa te qendroni ne qytetet e zhurmshme.

Shala River Tour

Tur ditor tek Lumi i Shales

25€ / person

Lumi i Shales është një destinacion turistik që përshkruhet nga vizitoret si perla e bukurive te Komanit, si Tajlanda e Shqiperise. Ngjyra e kalter e ujit dhe kthjellesia e tij është karakteristikë e ketij lumi.

Kayak Tour in Komani Lake

Ture me kayake

20€ / person – Full Day

Komani Lake Explore ture me kayake ne liqenin e Komanit. Ne kemi kayake te cilesise se larte, me te gjitha pajisjet e domosdoshme, te prodhuar ne fund te vitit 2015.

albanian alps tour

Turi i Alpeve Shqiptare

3 Dite, all inclusive 279€ / person

Bazuar ne eksperiencat tona dhe ne kerkesat tuaja vendosem ti shtojme listes se mundesive qe ne ofrojme dhe nje tur tjeter qe do konsistoje sigurisht ne eksperienca te paharrueshme qe startojne ne qytetin e Shkodres e finalizohen ne piken turistike te Thethit.

tour in valbona valley

Tur ne Luginen e Valbones

99€ / person

Lugina e Valbones, nje mrekulli e natyres e cila sduhet humbur por duhet vizituar patjeter te pakten nje here. Prandaj ne i kemi organizuar te gjitha per ju ne menyre qe tju ngelet vetem te shijoni cdo moment te ketij turi.

kayak tours in komani lake

Tur me skaf

40€ / person

Ne perpiqemi te jemi sa me prane nevojave te vizitoreve tane, madje dhe te atyre qe mund te kene shume pak kohe per te qendruar me ne por deshire shume te madhe per te pare bukurite marramendese te vendit tone.

5 Stinet Villas

Guesthouse në Liqenin e Komanit

Pesë vila prej druri te sapo ndërtuara presin t’ju japin mirëseardhjen dhe t’ju ofrojnë një ambient të qetë, përgjatë liqenit të Komanit i cili është bekuar me nuancat më të mahnitshme të blusë që shkrihen me jeshilen e pemëve për rreth.

Pyetje te shpeshta

Si te rezervoj nje bilete?
You can book a ticket on this ways: – By sending us an email on our addresses. – Calling us on our phone numbers. – Booking on our Official Websites. – We only accept payments via our reservation form via PayPal, or after your board on Ferry Berisha. DON’T make payments in the street.
Ku duhet te paguaj per bileten?
We operate with payment cash after boarding in Ferry Berisha or Boat Dragobia, or payments via PayPal through our reservation form. Careful, we don’t ask for money on the street or any other place expect Ferry Berisha or Boat Dragobia. You may reserve a ticket and pay CASH after boarding on ferry : -When you have made the reservation on our e-mail, and we have sent your ticket on the e-mail. -When you have made the reservation by phone. -When you haven’t made any reservation. -When making a reservation which includes a travel package with accommodation and/or an other attraction.
Ku duhet te paguaj per bileten?
We operate with payment cash after boarding in Ferry Berisha or Boat Dragobia, or payments via PayPal through our reservation form. Careful, we don’t ask for money on the street or any other place expect Ferry Berisha or Boat Dragobia. You may reserve a ticket and pay CASH after boarding on ferry : -When you have made the reservation on our e-mail, and we have sent your ticket on the e-mail. -When you have made the reservation by phone. -When you haven’t made any reservation. -When making a reservation which includes a travel package with accommodation and/or an other attraction.
Politika e rikthimit te pagesave

Ferry Berisha eshte ne cdo moment i gatshem tju ri-ktheje pagesen qe keni bere online ne rastet kur ju deshironi te anulloni prenotimin tuaj, apo ne rastet kur ne nuk mundemi tju ofrojme sherbimin e premtuar.

Gjithsesi jo ne te gjitha rastet ju mund te merrni pagesen mbrapsht.

Klikoni ketu per te lexuar rastet kur mund te rimbursoheni.

Ne cfare ore duhet te vijme ne terminal?
Passengers: 15 minutes ahead of sailing time. Vehicles: 30 minutes ahead. If you do not have a vehicle reservation, please phone us to find out when your party needs to be at the terminal for your desired sailing.
Cilat janë ditët me më shumë vizitorë?
The busiest days of trips are Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Boat Dragobia runs only for passengers, and Ferry Berisha works with vehicle and passengers. In case of personalized groups we have small boats to take the trip.
A ka hapesira per kamping?
Yes, there is free camping space in in front of the Island of Peace, you should have your own tents. Also you can use the Ferry Berisha as a free camping space during the night.
A mund te transportoni makinen time ne traget?
Yes, we can transport your car on Ferry Berisha, but before you should make the reservation of the car, describe the type, How m2 is the car, and the plate number of the vehicle. The places on high season are limited. Ferry Berisha can accommodate this vehicle types including: bicycle, motorcycles, cars, tour buses and minibuses.
A ka vend parkimi?
There is a parking place near Ferry terminal. There is free of charge and you don’t have to pay for it. Anyway it is necessary to contact first so we can reserve a space for you ( due to high traffic some times is full ).
A ka sherbim pick-up nga Tirana ose aeroporti?
Yes, we offer transport from Tirana airport to Koman and return, about the prices you can find them on the dedicated page.
A eshte trageti i pershtatshem per pesonat me veshiresi ne ecje?
Yes. For all passengers requiring extra assistance for boarding, disembarking, or accessing the passenger deck, our terminal personnel will be happy to assist.

Follow us in Instgram @ferry_berisha